Wills and Trusts are means of transferring property. Wills transfer property on a person's death. They permit people to state exactly where they want their property to go when they die. If a person dies intestate-that is, without a will- the deceased's property is distributed to relatives according to state statute. The property escheats (goes) to the state if there are no relatives.
Trusts are used to transfer property that is to be held and managed for the benefit of another person or persons. A trust can be created to come into effect during one's lifetime. Trusts may also be created during one's lifetime and be worded to become effective only on the trustor's (or grantor's) death.
Whether you are just beginning to build your legacy or want to protect assets you have accumulated over time, Legal Freedom Law Office can help you in all your estate planning needs. We are experienced in counseling clients with the following items:
- Wills
- Trusts
- Asset Protection
- Power of Attorney for Property
- Power of Attorney for Health Care